Motorradtour Adventures


Erlebe das Unvergleichliche – Motorrad-Abenteuer, die Grenzen überschreiten, Landschaften neu definieren und Herausforderungen neu erfinden.
Biker Jo – der Mann, der die Welt auf zwei Rädern erobert. Ohne Auto, aber mit einer Flotte von Motorrädern, von denen immer eines auf globaler Tour ist, legt Jo jährlich rund 70.000 Kilometer zurück. Seine Reisen führen ihn über jeden erdenklichen Untergrund und durch die verschiedensten Schwierigkeitsgrade. Seine wahre Leidenschaft ist es jedoch, anderen Motorradfahrern dabei zu helfen, ihre eigenen Abenteuer zu erleben. Als erfahrener Coach unterstützt er Biker dabei, die Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln, die sie benötigen, um die Welt sicher und selbstbewusst zu erkunden. Mit Jo entdeckst du nicht nur neue Orte, sondern erlebst die schönsten Gegenden der Welt aus einer völlig neuen Perspektive.







Professionelle Touren in kleinen Gruppen: Europa, Asien, Afrika, Balkan

Folge Biker.Jo auf Instagram

Hallo zusammen🙋‍♂️Macht euch bereit für ein exklusives Live Q&A mit mir, Biker Jo! 🎥 Am Sonntag, 28.04.2024 um 19:00 Uhr (CET) gehen wir gemeinsam via Zoom auf eine Abenteuerreise. 🌍 Fragt alles, was ihr über Adventure Biken wissen wollt! Kommentiert mit „Gravel“, um euch anzumelden. Seid dabei! ✌️#BikerJoLive #AdventureBiking🤩Ich freue mich auf Euch und tolle Diskussionen 🙋‍♂️✌️@wunderlich_gmbh
„Weather is a frame 🖼️ information ℹ️“
As I have no car and my season is lasting 365 days long per year, it’s for me always a common challenge to deal with all kind of weather. 🌧️☔️ ❄️ 🌞💨 Today I had to accomplish 680 km under heavy rain conditions. 🤷‍♂️ no chance to shift my schedule for tomorrow. So I had to take this challenge and herewith I share some impressions with you. ☺️ It is not a problem to ride under adverse weather conditions. It’s all about using proper equipment and having some experience to deal with.. 🙋‍♂️ then those kind of riding is not stressful  it’s fun 🤩 @wunderlich_gmbh
Wunderlich Ducati DDX - Long Range Equipment Test of Safety Applications and of the complete new designed Wunderlich Suspension Gear. We have accomplished 16800 km of hard testing between September 2023 and March 2024. For this purpose we visited 🇩🇪🇦🇹🇮🇹🇫🇷🇳🇱🇲🇦🇨🇱🇧🇴🇦🇷The Ducati DDX was enhanced to a World Traveller Motorcycle by Wunderlich. As you can check  in the reel we challenged the new and needful designed applications for seating, protection, the baggage system - with paneers fitting to the auxiliary tank and the new suspension gear very hard. 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩Result: no issues at all… For me has the Wunderlich DDX mutated to an awesome world 🌍 traveller motorcycle. With the 8 liter aux tank is a range of 600 km possible. We talk about a BMW GS 1250 ADV range as the DDX has 29 liter fuel capacity now. Further with the associated baggage system is assured, that all required baggage can be safely stored for your world trip. 😉 The new Wunderlich Suspension supports the heavier load as needed associated to a world 🌎 trip. The normal DDX gear is not strong enough to support this task. All the other applications are almost Ying and Yang applications as needed for riding comfort and protection. The DDX with 92 NM Torque, 110 HP and lots of Enduro DNA 🧬 comes up so equipped with a weight of 240 kg. Almost 30 - 40 kg less weight than a similar equipment larger adventure bike. 😎 The engine is plug and play. High production quality has assured at this time, that we had not any issue with the engine or the motorcycle itself. 😉😉 Riding with approximately 30-49 kg of baggage requires usually ground contact with the feet’s as maneuvering on loose ground on the stand is a different story with a loaded motorcycle.😊 Usually comes the DDX along with an Enduro like  seat hight of 90 cm. 😅😅 Hmm taking into account, that this seat hight makes it difficult to handle a loaded motorbike on lose surface for smaller riders, Wunderlich will come up with different suspension sizes to assure proper comfort even for smaller riders or women. 😎 Personally stated,  this Wunderlich DDX is a perfect motorcycle for those intended to explore the world 🌍 Have fun 🙋‍♂️